Sololearn Review: Is Sololearn Worth It?

Sololearn Review

Sololearn logo

Sololearn is the best platform to improve coding skills and offers courses and online Compilers related to programming languages like C++, C#, R, Kotlin, Go, PHP, Ruby, Swift, HTML, Java, JavaScript, and Python. It offers courses for all level learners, beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced learners. It uses a combination of lessons, quizzes, and exercises to help users learn new concepts.

  • Offers 30+ Courses.
  • Free Access for basic learning.
  • Suitable platforms for beginners.
  • Provide Interactive code demos.
  • Offers Help from the community.
  • Online Compilers for 15+ languages.
  • Not good for advanced learners.
  • Covers limited topics.
  • No free trial for the monthly plan.

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In this Sololearn Review, We will discuss the features, drawbacks, price, worth of cost, discount, the worth of the certificate, and other Competitors of this platform.

You may be asking yourself, Is the Sololearn certificate legit? Is It really free? Is It a good place to learn Coding? Can I get a job after Sololearn? Is Sololearn good for a resume?

To answer all these questions, I have created an in-depth Sololearn review to cover all these questions.

What is Sololearn?


Sololearn website was registered in 2013, and now it is one of the largest and most popular online learning platforms for coding and programming. Yeva Hyusyan is the CEO and co-founder of this platform. Now, it has 2 Million+ monthly visitors on its site.

This platform offers online compilers related to HTML, CSS, Javascript, C++, C, PHP, Java, Python, Swift, C#, Ruby, Node.JS, Kotlin, jQuery, Go, R, and TypeScript.

Currently, It also offers 30+ courses related to programming languages like C++, C#, R, Kotlin, Go, PHP, Ruby, Swift 4, HTML, Java, JavaScript, and Python.

All courses offer interactive and engaging classes, quizzes, coding challenges, and projects for learners to reinforce their skills and knowledge. All basic lessons are free for beginners who want to learn the basic skills of programming languages.

Sololearn has a large community of learners and developers who can provide support, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Sololearn Review

  1. Ease of Use: Sololearn offers a user-friendly platform for learning to code.
  2. Affordability: Its annual subscription fee is affordable for those who want to boost their skills in coding.
  3. Subject or Topics Covered: Sololearn covers a wide range of programming topics to learn basic coding concepts and complete projects.
  4. Course Quality: This platform is praised for the quality of content for learning programming and computer concepts.
  5. Price or Free Trial: Sololearn offers a free version for users to access learning materials, with additional features available through a paid subscription.
  6. Teaching Methods: Sololearn utilizes various teaching methods to help users learn to code effectively, including interactive lessons and coding challenges.
  7. Community: Sololearn fosters a community of users who can support each other in learning programming and computer concepts.
  8. Refund Policy: This platform does not provide any good refund policy.

Sololearn Review Verdict

Sololearn logo

Sololearn is a free app that allows users to learn coding skills in a variety of programming languages. It offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans with more features. Sololearn is a great option for beginners who are looking for a fun and engaging way to learn to code. Its gamified learning approach uses badges and points to motivate users, making it an effective tool for beginners and intermediate learners. Code Playground allows learners to write and execute code directly in their browser.

It offers over 30 courses designed by experts with real-world practice. It offers bite-sized lessons, quizzes, and real-life challenges to learn and practice coding skills. By completing courses, users can earn certificates to validate their skills. Sololearn is accessible on the web or through their mobile app. It is free, and the paid monthly subscription costs $12.99.

Sololearn Pricing

Sololearn Pricing

Sololearn offers 3 subscription plans (Free, Annual, and Monthly). It is also available in a free version with some limitations. Its monthly cost is $12.99. The monthly plan does not offer any free trial. Its annual cost is $69.99.

In all pro plans, learners will get the features:

  • Bitesize lessons.
  • Help from the community.
  • Unlimited practice.
  • Interactive code demos.
  • Tracking goals.

In the free plans, learners can only access bitesize lessons and community access.

Sololearn Discount

This platform also offers discounts on some subscription plans. If anyone chooses the Monthly plan, then he will not get any discounts. Sololearn price Discount is only available in the annual plan. Currently, Sololearn monthly cost is $5.83 instead of $12.99 in the annual plans. Its annual cost is $69.99 instead of $155.88 with a 14-day free trial.

Sololearn Free

Sololearn is also free, making it an excellent option for anyone who wants to learn coding and programming without investing a lot of money. In the free plan, Learnens will get on the go, bitesize lessons, and get Help from the community. It also offers a 14-day free trial for the annual plan.

Features of Sololearn

Sololearn Pro Features

  • Ease of use: Just sign up with Google or Facebook and join the platform. Next, Select the course, schedule of lessons, and level of learning. After that, start your learning.
  • Categories: Sololean offers courses and Online Compiler related to HTML, CSS, Javascript, C++, C, PHP, Java, Python, Swift, C#, Ruby, Node.JS, Kotlin, jQuery, Go, R, and TypeScript.
  • Free courses: This platform offers free courses, but it also offers a 14-day trial for those who want to join the annual plan of this platform.
  • Content quality: The content quality is reliable because all courses cover exercises, quizzes, and projects. It also offers a free version for those who want to learn about this platform.
  • Languages: This platform offers courses and resources related to 20+ languages like C++, C#, R, Kotlin, Go, PHP, Ruby, Swift 4, HTML, Java, JavaScript, and Python. 
  • Quizzes & tests: Sololearn offers courses, quizzes, and code tasks that are much more practical. It also offers some theoretical courses. 
  • Overall rating: According to Trustpilot, Its Average rating is 3.0.

How does Sololearn Work?

Sololearn offers coding courses, a built-in online code editor, and a compiler. Sololearn online compiler allows you to write, compile, and run code within your web browser without installing any software on your computer.

To use the Sololearn online compiler, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Sololearn website (
  2. Sign up for an account if you haven’t already done so.
  3. Choose the programming language you want to work with from the list of options available.
  4. Start coding in the editor provided, and use the “Run” button to compile and execute your code.
  5. You can also save and share your code with others by clicking on the “Save” and “Share” buttons.

The Sololearn online compiler supports various programming languages, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, C++, C, PHP, Java, Python, Swift, C#, Ruby, Node.JS, Kotlin, jQuery, Go, R, and TypeScript. It is the best tool for learning to code, practicing programming skills, and building small projects.

Best Sololearn Courses

Sololearn courses

If you want to learn or upgrade your skills related to Web development, App Development, Game Development, and Data Science, then this is the best platform because it offers courses related to 7+ languages like C++, C#, R, Kotlin, Go, PHP, Ruby, Swift, HTML, Java, JavaScript, and Python.

Introduction to Python: Learn how to work with strings to store text data, make your programs interactive by taking and working with user inputs, and Create lists to store multiple items into a single variable. After learning all classes, Learners can quickly build real-life projects and solve different coding challenges. Its basic lessons are free, and you can access the pro version fully.

Introduction to C: This course teaches topics like how to write programs that get user input, make changes to them, output the result, use conditional statements to start controlling the flow of your programs, and reduce errors in repetitive operations with loops. You will also learn how to use functions to make your code manageable and use arrays to store multiple elements of the same type and save time. Its basic lessons are free, and you can access the pro version fully.

Introduction to SQL: In this course, Learn how to Select, sort, and identify data from a database using SQL queries and use where commands and logical conditions to filter data. You will also learn how to group data with aggregation functions and create tables by adding, updating, and removing data. Its basic tutorials are free, and you can access the pro version fully.

Introduction to Java: This course teaches topics like how to use variables to help your program store data, work with strings to store text data and handle special characters, and use logical operators to create programs that make decisions. After that, You will learn how to minimize errors in repetitive tasks with loops and operate arrays to store multiple items into a single variable. Its basic tutorials are free, and you can access the pro version fully.

C# Intermediate: Learn object-oriented programming to organize the design of your software around data. This course teaches topics like how to read and write data, manage errors with the use of exceptions, and Increase flexibility by making generic classes. This is an intermediate-level course, and you can easily upgrade your existing skills. Its basic tutorials are free, and you can access the pro version fully.

JavaScript Intermediate: This course teaches topics like creating objects with specific properties, using arrays to store multiple items under a single variable name, and working with dates and set intervals for your program’s actions. You will also learn how to create your own animations and teach your program to communicate with users when they click on an element. Its basic tutorials are free, and you can get full access to the pro version.

Sololearn Certificate

sololearn certificate

Sololearn offers certificates in the pro version. Learners can claim a certificate after completing all courses, classes, quizzes, and Projects.

The certificate includes the course name, learner’s name, CEO Signature, Sololearn logo, and completion date. Its certificate is very suitable for your resume and portfolio. It does not offer an official or accredited certificate because it is not partnered with any institute.

Is Sololearn Pro Worth It?

Yes, Sololearn Pro has a good worth of money and time. If you want to improve your coding skills using the gamified learning process, then Sololearn Pro is the best online source to build a strong foundation in coding skills.

Sololearn Pro offers additional features and benefits beyond the free version, such as ad-free access, Bitesize lessons, unlimited code playgrounds, community support, Tracking goals, and offline course access.

Its monthly cost is $12.99, which is very suitable for those who want to learn or improve their coding skills. Its free version is very suitable for basic learning.

Sololearn Alternative

There are many alternatives to this platform. Some platforms are better than Sololearn, while others are less effective than Sololearn. Overall, Codefinity and Udemy are the best alternatives to this platform.

Sololearn vs. Codefinity

Codefinity logo

Sololearn is the best alternative to Codefinity because both offer 30+ courses and projects related to Python, SQL, R, C++, Web Development, Java, and JavaScript. Its monthly cost is $35, while Sololearn’s monthly cost is $12.99. An expert in their field instructs each course and project, So Sololearn’s content quality is reliable. If you want to learn an in-depth Sololearn review, then Visit.

Sololearn vs. Udemy

Udemy logo

Sololearn offers bite-sized coding lessons for on-the-go learning, while Udemy offers a wider range of practical skills-oriented courses at an affordable price. Udemy cost starts from $13 to $199, but Sololearn offers monthly plans and provides access to all courses and resources. Its monthly cost is $12.99. Learn More Udemy Review.

Sololearn Reviews

A Reddit user shared an honest review of Sololearn, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. The user praised its free access and having a helpful comments section for each lesson. User reviews on Product Hunt gave Sololearn a rating of 2.95 out of 5 based on 44 reviews. Users mentioned that while the platform had a great concept, its execution was somewhat clumsy. On Trustpilot, Sololearn has a 2.5 rating out of 5 based on 36 reviews.

Is Sololearn Good?

Yes, this is a good platform for those who want to learn the basic coding concepts for free. It offers 30+ courses in programming languages like Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and many more. This platform also offers online compilers related to HTML, CSS, Javascript, C++, C, PHP, Java, Python, Swift, C#, Ruby, Node.JS, Kotlin, jQuery, Go, R, and TypeScript.

Final Words: Sololearn Review

Sololearn is a free online platform that offers courses designed by experts with real-world practice. This platform aims to help anyone, anywhere learn how to code. Certificates make people feel like they are making progress, but they generally don’t mean much for jobs.

Overall, Sololearn is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn coding and programming, whether just starting out or looking to expand their skills and knowledge.


Can I get a job after Sololearn?

Completing Sololearn courses alone may not be enough to get a job in the tech industry. While Sololearn provides a good foundation for learning coding, getting a job usually requires more than just completing online courses.

Is Sololearn a good place to learn Coding?

Sololearn can be an excellent place to learn to code, especially if you are a beginner. Sololearn offers 30+ courses in programming languages like Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and many more. This platform provides a gamified learning experience and earns certificates after completing all courses.

Reviewed By

Engr Usama

Engr Usama

Content Writer

I am Usama, a Content writer focused on tech reviews, learning platform reviews, and AI Tools Reviews.

Abdul Razzaq

Abdul Razzaq

CEO of AllLearningApps

I am Abdul Razzaq, a Content Producer and Website developer with a strong background in IT.

About AllLearningApps

AllLearningApps shares the review of online learning apps, Bootcamps, and Educational Tools to help users find the best platform. Our reviews focus on authenticity, competency, affordability, and simplicity. We verify the platform’s legitimacy, verify its founders, and check for reviews and testimonials. Our team also compares similar learning platforms and makes balanced recommendations.

Our Methodology

Our comprehensive review methodology evaluates various key features of learning apps such as the price-to-quality ratio, comprehensiveness, user-friendliness, online reputation, transparency, retention rates, and more. We also review each platform based on review platforms (Like Trustpilot) and discussion forums (Like Reddit).

Usama is originally from Pakistan, now living in Dubai. I’m a web developer and SEO expert with over 5 years of experience. I have learned my additional skills through online learning platforms like Skillshare and Coursera. Now i am working as a blooger and start this new project related to Online Learning apps.

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