Submit Your App

If you have an educational app that will help students improve their existing skills, then you can submit your app through our contact forum.

We’re always looking for innovative and exciting apps to add to our platform. If you’ve developed an app that you think our users will love, we encourage you to submit it for review!

What We’re Looking For:


    • High-Quality Apps: We want apps that are well-designed, user-friendly, and bug-free.

    • Unique Value Proposition: Does your app solve a problem or fill a need that other apps don’t?

    • Great User Experience: Make it intuitive and enjoyable for users to interact with your app.

    • Alignment with Our Values: Does your app promote a positive and productive experience for our users?

How to Submit Your App:


    1. Prepare Your App: Ensure your app is polished, final, and free of bugs before submission.

    1. Fill Out the Submission Form: Provide all the necessary information about your app, including screenshots, descriptions, and category selection.

    1. Review Process: Our team will thoroughly review your app to ensure it meets our quality standards and guidelines.

    1. Get Notified: We’ll let you know about the review decision as soon as possible.

Benefits of Having Your App on Our Platform:


    • Reach a Wide Audience: Gain exposure to a large and engaged user base.

    • Increase Downloads and Visibility: Get your app discovered by potential users.

    • Potential for Monetization: Depending on the platform, you may have opportunities to generate revenue through your app.

Ready to Submit?

Click the button below to access the app submission form. We look forward to seeing your creation!


Additional Information:


    • You can also include a link to a FAQ section that addresses common app submission questions.

    • Briefly mention any specific guidelines developers need to follow (e.g., content restrictions, privacy policy requirements).

    • Consider adding a section highlighting success stories of apps that have been featured on your platform.

Submit Your App
