Is Sololearn Pro Worth It? (6 Pros And Cons)

Yes, Sololearn Pro is worth it because it is a good option for serious coding learners who want a structured and gamified learning experience. It is an affordable subscription service for online coding courses and offers features such as unlimited code playgrounds, offline course access, and certificates of completion. However, Sololearn Pro is unsuitable for those who prefer to learn at their own pace or want more in-depth topic coverage.

What is Sololearn?


Sololearn is a free platform designed by experts that offers courses for various technical skills. It offers over 20 courses and is a popular choice for those looking to advance their careers or knock off the rust.

This platform has helped hundreds of IT Coordinators land dream jobs. It offers courses in web development, Python, C, C#, SQL, HTML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, C++, C, SQL, and Angular.

To start learning, sign up for an account on Google, Apple, or Facebook, and agree to the terms of service. It is designed for beginners and intermediate learners and offers gamification features, such as badges and points for completing lessons and competitions on leaderboards.

Here are some additional details about Sololearn:

  • Sololearn was founded in 2014 by Yeva Hyusyan and David Kocharyan.
  • Sololearn has over 40 million users worldwide.
  • It is available as a mobile app and on the desktop.
  • Sololearn offers courses in over 20 programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, and C++.
  • It offers courses in various tech topics, such as web development, machine learning, data science, and responsive web design.

Sololearn Review

Sololearn logo

Sololearn is a free online learning platform that offers courses in programming languages, web development, machine learning, data science, and responsive web design. The code playground allows learners to write and execute code directly in their browser, making it easy to learn and experiment with new programming languages.

It also provides offline access to courses, certificates of completion for each course completed, and a supportive community of learners. These features make Sololearn an excellent choice for anyone looking to learn to code or improve their skills. Overall, Sololearn is a great platform for anyone looking to learn programming or improve their skills.


  • It has a wide range of courses and topics covered
  • Interactive lessons and code challenges
  • Gamified learning approach
  • Offline access to courses (Sololearn Pro)
  • Certificates of completion (Sololearn Pro)
  • It has an active community of learners


  • Some courses may be too superficial for intermediate and advanced learners
  • The free version can be limited in terms of features
  • Sololearn Pro can be expensive for some users

Here is a summary of its ratings on different platforms:

  • Google Play: 4.6 out of 5 stars (based on over 10 million reviews)
  • Apple App Store: 4.7 out of 5 stars (based on over 1 million reviews)
  • Trustpilot: 4.5 out of 5 stars (based on over 1,000 reviews)
  • G2 Crowd: 4.2 out of 5 stars (based on over 200 reviews)

Sololearn Review Verdict

Overall, Sololearn is a great learning platform for beginners and intermediate learners who want to learn to code or improve their programming skills. Sololearn may not be the best choice for advanced learners who need more in-depth coverage of a particular topic.

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Sololearn Pro Cost: How much is Sololearn Pro?

Sololearn Pro Cost

Sololearn has 3 Plans: Free, Monthly, and Annual.

  • Monthly Cost: $12.99
  • Annual Cost: $69.99

You will get features in the pro plan:

  • On-the-go, bitesize lessons
  • Help from the community
  • Unlimited practice
  • Interactive code demos
  • Setting and tracking goals

Is Sololearn Pro free?

Sololearn Pro is not free. However, Sololearn sometimes offers free trials of Sololearn Pro. You can also get a free month of Sololearn Pro if you refer a friend to the platform.

Here are the different ways to get Sololearn Pro for free:

  • Free trial: Sololearn offers free trials for the annual plan. The length of the free trial varies, but it is typically 7 or 14 days.
  • Referral bonus: If you refer a friend to Sololearn and they sign up for a Sololearn Pro subscription, you will get a free month of Sololearn Pro.
  • Promotions: Sololearn occasionally offers free or discounted Sololearn Pro subscriptions. For example, Sololearn may offer a free month of Sololearn Pro to students during the summer months.

Sololearn Pro Features

Sololearn Pro Features

Sololearn Pro offers users unlimited access to all courses and code playgrounds on the platform. It allows users to learn at their own pace, download courses offline, earn certificates of completion for each course they complete, which can benefit job seekers, and enjoy an ad-free learning experience.

  • Unlimited access to all courses and code playgrounds: It offers a variety of programming languages, web development, machine learning, data science, and responsive web design courses, with Pro users having unlimited access to these courses and code playgrounds.
  • Offline access to courses: It allows users to download courses offline, making it convenient for on-the-go learning, such as working on a course on their phone while commuting or traveling.
  • Certificates of completion: Sololearn Pro users can earn certificates of completion for each course, which can be valuable for job seekers as they demonstrate the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Ad-free experience: Sololearn Pro offers an ad-free learning experience, allowing users to concentrate on their studies without interruptions, a significant advantage for those who find ads distracting.

Overall, Sololearn Pro is a subscription service that offers several valuable features for learners. It is a good option for learners who are serious about learning to code or who need access to additional features, such as offline access and certificates of completion.

Sololearn Certificate

Sololearn certificate

Sololearn offers certificates for free, and Pro users can earn certificates of completion for each course they finish. To earn a certificate, users must complete all of the lessons and quizzes in the course.

To earn a certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the course page for the course you want to complete.
  2. Click the Complete Course button.
  3. Complete all of the lessons and quizzes in the course.
  4. Once you have completed all lessons and quizzes, click the Get Certificate button.

Your certificate will be generated, and you can download it to your computer or print it out. You can also share your certificate on social media or LinkedIn.

Is Sololearn Certificate Valuable?

Sololearn certificates are not as valuable because no institute recognises them, but they can be a valuable addition to a CV for those starting their career or enhancing their skills. Its certificate highlights skills in a specific programming language or technology and helps stand out in a competitive job market.

Here are some tips for using your Sololearn certificate effectively:

  • Only include certificates for skills relevant to the jobs you are applying for.
  • If you have multiple Sololearn certificates, highlight the ones most relevant to the jobs you are applying for that demonstrate your most impressive skills.
  • Don’t just rely on your Sololearn certificates to speak for themselves. Be prepared to discuss your skills and knowledge in detail during job interviews.

Overall, Sololearn certificates are less valuable than certifications from established institutions, such as universities or industry organizations. It can still be a valuable addition to your CV, particularly if you are starting out in your career or seeking to enhance your skills.

What is better, Codecademy or Sololearn?

Codecademy is considered better for beginners due to its comprehensive courses and in-depth lessons, while Sololearn is a more gamified learning experience with badges, points, challenges, and practice

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between Codecademy and Sololearn:

Course qualityHighGood
Course comprehensivenessHighGood
Lesson depthHighGood
Features for beginnersExcellentGood
Range of coursesGoodExcellent
PriceMore expensiveLess expensive

Overall, Codecademy is a better platform for beginners who are serious about learning to code. Sololearn is a good option for learners who are looking for a more gamified learning experience or who want to learn multiple programming languages.

Sololearn Comparison to others Platforms

Here is a more detailed comparison of the features offered by Sololearn Pro and other popular online learning platforms:

FeatureSololearn ProCodecademyCourseraUdemyUdacity
Courses offeredOver 20 programming languages, web development, machine learning, data science, and responsive web designOver 150 courses in programming, web development, data science, and businessOver 3,000 courses in a variety of topics, including programming, business, and the artsOver 150,000 courses in a variety of topics, including programming, business, and the artsOver 200 courses in programming, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science
Interactive lessonsYesYesYesYesYes
Code playgroundYesYesYesYesYes
Gamified learning approachYesNoNoNoNo
Offline accessYes (Sololearn Pro only)NoNoNoNo
Certificates of completionYes (Sololearn Pro only)YesYesYesNo

If you want an affordable and comprehensive online learning platform for coding courses, I highly recommend Sololearn Pro.

Is Sololearn Pro Worth It?

Yes, Sololearn Pro has a good worth of money and time. If you want to improve your coding skills using the gamified learning process, then Sololearn Pro is the best online source to build a strong foundation in coding skills. It will boost your coding learning journey at an affordable cost of $69.99 annually. Overall, It has a 4.5 Average rating out of 5. However, Sololearn Pro is unsuitable for those interested in advanced learning or 1-on-1 Mentorship.


Sololearn Pro offers a great learning structure and mini-coding projects for learning programming languages. It is not only affordable but also offers learners a chance to invest in their career future. Sololearn Pro is the best alternative to Codefinity, as both offer 30+ courses and projects related to Python, SQL, R, C++, Web Development, and more.

In conclusion, Sololearn Pro is a great platform for learning programming languages and their syntax. It offers a variety of courses and projects, making it a great investment for those looking to improve their skills. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each coding platform before making a decision.

Usama is originally from Pakistan, now living in Dubai. I’m a web developer and SEO expert with over 5 years of experience. I have learned my additional skills through online learning platforms like Skillshare and Coursera. Now i am working as a blooger and start this new project related to Online Learning apps.

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