Codeium Review: AI Coding Assistants Online Free

Codeium Review

Codeium is a revolutionary tool for developers looking to enhance their coding experience. Its AI-powered autocomplete feature allows for faster code completion, saving time and improving efficiency. It also provides extensions for major IDEs, integrating seamlessly into existing workflows. It is designed to understand user intent and allows for easy file and code search.

  • It is very useful for code completion and snippets.
  • It is available for free to all users.
  •  Install the Codeium extension in your IDE to get access to 70+ languages.
  • Use Its AI search to find files and code related to your intent.
  • Get a helping hand from Codeium Chat.
  • Not good for Project Management.
  • It is difficult to find specific information quickly.

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If you are wasting your time by writing code for each task or want to get a quick solution for a coding problem, Codeium is the best platform because it is a free AI code acceleration toolkit that provides code completion, and chat capabilities in over 70+ languages. 

It has been loved by hundreds of thousands of developers and is available on VSCode, JetBrains, Chrome, and 40+ more IDEs. It offers advanced personalization on your code base, GPT-4 support, organization-wide zero-day retention, and document searching.

What is Codeium?

Codeium Free

Codeium is a free AI-powered toolkit for developers. It offers autocomplete, chat, and search capabilities in 70+ languages. It is a powerful AI tool that has been widely praised for its ability to increase productivity by 60-70%.

It supports over 70 programming languages, including Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Java, Go, C, C++, Ruby, Ruby, and PHP. Its online playground is free and offers no sign-up required.

Codeium offers best-in-class products without selling or compromising personal data, unlike other AI coding tools like Github Copilot and Tabnine.

Codeium Review


Codeium is an AI-powered toolkit designed to help developers code faster and ship products faster. It uses large AI models trained on public code to generate suggestions as you type.

It offers intelligent autocomplete suggestions, a search to find relevant functions and files, and Codeium Chat for helpful explanations, bug fixes, and code generation.

Its autocomplete features save time by accepting suggestions for boilerplate code, increase consistency by using community patterns, and avoid simple bugs.


  • It will boost productivity and reduce boilerplate coding.
  • It integrates quickly with popular IDEs like VS Code and IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Individual developers can enjoy most features for free.
  • It also provides the chat functionality to discuss code concepts. 
  • It is the best tool to learn new coding techniques and best practices.


  • It is difficult to find specific information quickly.
  • It focuses primarily on coding assistance and lacks robust project management features.

Who Is It For?

Codeium is designed for developers who want to boost their productivity and accelerate their coding workflows. It is suitable for developers working with various programming languages and IDEs, as it supports over 70 languages and offers seamless integration with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code.

  • Students – Want to generate code snippets, code formatting, and debugging tools.
  • Hobbyists – Want to minimize boilerplate coding and focus on more complex aspects of coding
  • Professionals –  Simplify the documentation process and ensure that code is well-maintained 
  • Teams – It helps generate code snippets, code formatting, and debugging tools.

How does Codeium Work?

Codeium uses AI models trained on public code to generate suggestions for typing, understanding programming languages, and developer workflows.

It uses its AI engine to understand your intent and the context of your code, then provides intelligent suggestions and tools to help you write faster and more efficiently.

Here is how it works in practice:

  • Autocomplete: When you type a word, Codeium predicts the next word, function, or even entire lines of code. It accepts autocomplete suggestions for code, improves consistency with community patterns, and avoids simple bugs by correct function.
  • Code Generation: You can provide a brief description of what you want to develop, and Codeium will generate relevant code snippets for you.
  • Search: Instead of manually writing, you can use natural language queries to find specific functions or files. It enhances your understanding of unfamiliar code through search.
  • Chat: Talk to Codeium like you would a coding buddy. It improves code quality with assistance. Reduce context switching by utilizing your IDE.

Codeium Features

Codeium Features

  • AI-Powered Autocomplete: Codeium provides generative code suggestions to speed up the coding process. Just write a few words, and it will generate a complete line of code.
  • Intelligent Search: This is the best alternative to writing code manually. It offers a powerful search function, allowing developers to find files and code snippets with ease.
  • Codeium Chat: Users will get a helping hand from Codeium Chat. They will generate boilerplate, refactor code, add documentation, explain code, suggest bug fixes, and much more according to users’ needs.
  • Support for 70+ Languages: Codeium supports a vast array of programming languages, ensuring versatility.
  • Integration with 40+ Editors: It integrates seamlessly with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, making it easy to incorporate into a developer.
  • Free Usage: Codeium offers unlimited autocomplete and natural language search for repositories at no cost.
  • Data Security: It uses generative models that have never been trained on your data, ensuring data privacy

Codeium Reviews

On Producthunt, Codeium has a 4.7 out of 5 based on 25 reviews. On Reddit, Users say that they believe using tools like Codeium is optimal for learning and Codeium is a free AI code assistant for beginners to get quick guides and built-in code to develop any functionality, but it lacks support for project management.

Codeium Cost

Codium is available for free Individuals and Teams plans provide full features access with its paid plan costs $15 per month per seat. In The Teams plan you will get access to its features:

  • Admin usage dashboard
  • Seat management and invites
  • Advanced personalization on your codebase
  • GPT-4 Support
  • Organization-wide zero-day retention, guaranteed
  • Doc searching (coming soon)

Codeium Alternatives

  1. GitHub Copilot: A popular AI coding assistant that provides real-time suggestions for code within the editor. 
  2. ChatGPT: All-in-One AI tool that can be used as an alternative to Codeium.
  3. TabNine: An AI-powered autocomplete tool that offers auto-completion for any programming language using machine learning. 


Codeium is an AI-powered code acceleration toolkit designed to help developers write code faster and safer. It is suitable for companies of various sizes, including small startups and large enterprises. It supports over 70 programming languages, including popular ones like Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, and more.

Usama is originally from Pakistan, now living in Dubai. I’m a web developer and SEO expert with over 5 years of experience. I have learned my additional skills through online learning platforms like Skillshare and Coursera. Now i am working as a blooger and start this new project related to Online Learning apps.

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