200+ Basic German Phrases To Know For Every Situation

Understanding basic German words and phrases can enhance your stay and make your travels more enjoyable. German-speaking countries attract travelers for various reasons, including leisure, work, and family visits. Understanding helpful phrases can enhance your visit, provide cultural insight, and inspire conversation with strangers and loved ones in your community.

200+ Basic German Phrases To Know For Every Situation

Here are some basic German phrases that can be useful in various situations:

  • Hallo (Hello)
  • Tschüss (Bye)
  • Bitte (Please)
  • Danke (Thanks)
  • Entschuldigung (Excuse me)
  • Ja (Yes)
  • Nein (No)
  • Guten Tag (Good day)
  • Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye)
  • Ich habe eine Frage (I have a question)
  • Sprechen Sie Englisch? (Do you speak English?)
  • Ich verstehe nicht (I don’t understand)
  • Wie viel kostet das? (How much does that cost?)
  • Wo ist die Toilette? (Where is the restroom?)
  • Ich möchte gerne… (I would like…)
  • Ein Bier, bitte (A beer, please)
  • Ich bin allergisch gegen… (I am allergic to…)
  • Ich brauche Hilfe (I need help)
  • Wo ist der Bahnhof? (Where is the train station?)
  • Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen? (Can I pay with credit card?)

Introduction Phrases :

  • Hallo!/Hi!: Casual hello for any time.
  • Guten Morgen/Good morning: Until noon.
  • Guten Tag/Good afternoon: Noon to sunset.
  • Guten Abend/Good evening: After sunset.
  • Auf Wiedersehen/Goodbye: General goodbye.
  • Bis bald/See you soon: Informal goodbye.
  • Wie geht es Ihnen?/How are you?: Formal.
  • Wie geht’s?/How’s it going?: Informal.
  • Mein Name ist…/My name is…: Introduce yourself.
  • Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen/Nice to meet you: After introductions.
  • Angenehm/Pleased to meet you: More formal.
  • Danke, dass Sie mich einladen/Thank you for inviting me: Appreciation.
  • Immer gerne/You’re welcome: Casual response to thanks.
  • Es ist mir ein Vergnügen/It’s my pleasure: Formal response to thanks.

Essential Phrases for Everyday Interactions:

  • Bitte/Please: When making a request.
  • Danke/Thank you: Show appreciation.
  • Entschuldigung/Excuse me: To get attention or apologize.
  • Kein Problem/No problem: Casual response to thanks or apology.
  • Verzeihung/Pardon me: More formal apology.
  • Ja/Yes: Agree to something.
  • Nein/No: Decline something.
  • Könnten Sie mir bitte helfen?/Could you please help me?: Ask for help.
  • Ich spreche kein Deutsch/I don’t speak German: Let someone know you don’t understand.
  • Könnten Sie das wiederholen, bitte?/Could you repeat that, please?: Ask for clarification.
  • Könnten Sie langsamer sprechen, bitte?/Could you speak slower, please?: Request slower speech.
  • Entschuldigung, könnten Sie mir den Weg zeigen?/Excuse me, could you show me the way?: Formal direction request.
  • Wo ist die Toilette?/Where is the restroom?: Politely ask for directions.
  • Könnten Sie das bitte schreiben?/Could you please write that down?: Request written clarification.

Useful Questions for Navigating Situations:

  • Sprechen Sie Englisch?/Do you speak English?: Check if someone speaks English.
  • Verstehen Sie mich?/Do you understand me?: Ensure good communication.
  • Könnten Sie das bitte erklären?/Could you please explain that?: Seek clarification.
  • Wo finde ich…?/Where can I find…?: Ask for the location of a specific item.
  • Wie komme ich zu…?/How do I get to…?: Ask for directions.
  • Könnten Sie mir bitte den Weg beschreiben?/Could you please describe the way to…?: More detailed direction request.
  • Wie viel kostet das?/How much does that cost?: Inquire about prices.
  • Gibt es Rabatte?/Are there discounts?: Ask about special offers.
  • Kann ich mit Karte zahlen?/Can I pay with card?: Ask about payment methods.

Restaurant and Ordering with Ease:

  • Einen Tisch für bitte/A table for…, please: Reserve a table.
  • Könnten Sie uns bitte die Speisekarte bringen?/Could you please bring us the menu?: Request the menu.
  • Ich hätte gerne…/I would like…: Order food or drinks.
  • Haben Sie vegetarische/vegane Optionen?/Do you have vegetarian/vegan options?: Ask for dietary options.
  • Ist das scharf?/Is it spicy?: Inquire about spice level.
  • Könnte ich das bitte ohne Zwiebeln haben?/Could I have that without onions, please?: Request modifications.
  • Die Rechnung, bitte/The bill, please: Ask for the check.
  • Das war köstlich!/That was delicious!: Compliment the food.
  • Vielen Dank für das Essen/Thank you for the meal: Express gratitude.

German Shopping Phrases

Here’s a guide to help you shop safely and efficiently:

Greeting and Asking for Assistance:

  • Guten Tag/Hallo! (Good day/Hi!) – A friendly greeting to start the interaction.
  • Kann ich Ihnen helfen? (Can I help you?) – Asking politely if the staff member is available.
  • Ich suche… (I’m looking for…) – Specify what you’re looking for.

Making Inquiries:

  • Haben Sie … in … ? (Do you have … in … ?) – Ask about specific items and sizes.
  • Könnten Sie mir bitte … zeigen? (Could you please show me … ?) – Request help finding an item.
  • Passt mir das? (Does this fit me?) – Ask about size and fit.

Expressing Preferences:

  • Ich mag/möchte lieber … (I like/would prefer …) – Share your taste or preference.
  • Könnten Sie mir … empfehlen? (Could you recommend …) – Seek advice on choices.

Making a Purchase:

  • Ich nehme … (I’ll take …) – Confirm your desired purchase.
  • Kann ich mit Karte zahlen? (Can I pay with a card?) – Ask about payment options.
  • Vielen Dank! (Thank you!) – Express your gratitude.

Bonus Phrases:

  • Könnten Sie das bitte einpacken? (Could you please wrap this?)
  • Wo finde ich die Umkleidekabinen? (Where are the fitting rooms?)
  • Könnten Sie mir bitte eine Quittung geben? (Could I please have a receipt?)

German Phrases for Emergencies

Focus on safety and clarity when communicating in an emergency. Here are some essential phrases:

Basic Emergencies:

  • Hilfe! (Help!)
  • Notfall! (Emergency!)
  • Feuer! (Fire!)
  • Polizei! (Police!)
  • Rettungswagen! (Ambulance!)
  • Ich brauche Hilfe! (I need help!)
  • Jemand ist verletzt! (Someone is injured!)

Calling for Help:

  • Kann jemand helfen? (Can someone help?)
  • Könnten Sie bitte die Polizei/den Krankenwagen rufen? (Could you please call the police/ambulance?)
  • Wo ist das nächste Telefon? (Where is the nearest phone?)
  • Entschuldigung, können Sie mir helfen? Ich habe einen Notfall. (Excuse me, can you help me? I have an emergency.)

Describing the Situation:

  • Es gab einen Unfall! (There was an accident!)
  • Er/Sie atmet nicht! (He/She is not breathing!)
  • Ich habe starke Schmerzen! (I have severe pain!)
  • Ich fühle mich ohnmächtig! (I feel faint!)
  • Das Gebäude brennt! (The building is on fire!)

Bonus Phrases:

  • Ich verstehe kein Deutsch. (I don’t understand German.)
  • Ich spreche ein bisschen Englisch. (I speak a little English.)
  • Wo ist der Ausgang? (Where is the exit?)

German Words of Politeness

Mastering German politeness goes beyond just saying “Bitte” and “Danke!” Here are some key phrases to enhance your interactions:


  • Guten Morgen/Tag/Abend (Good morning/afternoon/evening): Basic greetings with warmth.
  • Freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen (Nice to meet you): Formal introduction.
  • Schön, Sie wiederzusehen (Nice to see you again): Friendly greeting for acquaintances.
  • Entschuldigen Sie bitte (Excuse me): Polite acknowledgment to get someone’s attention.

Requests and Offers:

  • Könnten Sie bitte… ? (Could you please… ?): Polite way to ask for something.
  • Dürfte ich bitte… ? (May I please… ?): Extra courteous inquiry.
  • Darf ich Ihnen etwas anbieten? (Can I offer you something?): Gracious offering.
  • Gern geschehen (You’re welcome): Casual response to thanks.
  • Kein Problem (No problem): Friendly way to dismiss inconvenience.

Expressing Appreciation:

  • Vielen Dank! (Thank you very much!): Standard expression of gratitude.
  • Das ist sehr nett von Ihnen! (That’s very kind of you!): Appreciation for a thoughtful gesture.
  • Ich bin Ihnen sehr verbunden! (I am very grateful to you!): Deep expression of thanks.

Leaving and Acknowledgments:

  • Auf Wiedersehen! (Goodbye!): Standard farewell.
  • Alles Gute! (All the best!): Wish for well-being.
  • Es war mir ein Vergnügen! (It was a pleasure!): Expressing enjoyment in the interaction.
  • Auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen! (Hope to see you again soon!): Warm farewell for future meetings.

Bonus Tips:

  • Make eye contact and smile to convey genuineness.
  • Use appropriate titles like Herr/Frau/Doktor.
  • Avoid interrupting or speaking too loudly.
  • Respect personal space and boundaries.
  • Adapt formality based on the situation and person.

How do you order food in German?

Ordering food in German can be a fun and rewarding experience! Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process safely and confidently:


  • Start with a friendly greeting like “Guten Tag” (Good day) or “Hallo” (Hi), depending on the formality of the setting.


  • Ask for the “Speisekarte” (menu) politely.
  • If unsure of a dish, ask “Was ist das?” (What is that?) for clarification.


  • When ready, say “Ich hätte gerne…” (I would like…) followed by the dish name.
  • Be specific with any modifications, like “ohne Zwiebeln” (without onions).
  • Ask for recommendations with “Was empfehlen Sie?” (What do you recommend?).


  • Order your drink after the food with “Dazu hätte ich gerne…” (I would also like…).
  • Specify the size if available, like “ein großes Wasser” (a large water).

Additional requests:

  • Use polite phrases like “Bitte” (Please) and “Danke” (Thank you).
  • Ask for extra utensils, condiments, or bread with “Könnten Sie mir bitte…” (Could you please give me…).


  • When ready to pay, ask for the “Rechnung” (bill).
  • Specify your preferred payment method, such as “Kann ich mit Karte zahlen?” (Can I pay with card?).

General tips:

  • Speak slowly and clearly to ensure understanding.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed.
  • Be patient and enjoy the experience!

Bonus Phrases:

  • “Ist das scharf?” (Is it spicy?)
  • “Haben Sie vegetarische/vegane Optionen?” (Do you have vegetarian/vegan options?)
  • “Das war köstlich!” (That was delicious!)

How to say hello and start a conversation in German?

Here are some ways to say hello and start a conversation in German, all while adhering to your safety guidelines:


  • Formal:
    • Guten Morgen/Guten Tag/Guten Abend (Good morning/afternoon/evening)
    • Herr/Frau [Last Name] (Mr./Ms. [Last Name])
    • Freut mich Sie kennenzulernen (Nice to meet you)
  • Informal:
    • Hallo/Hi (Hi)
    • Alles klar? (What’s up?)
    • Servus (Yo)
    • Schön dich zu sehen/wiedersehen (Nice to see you/again)

Conversation Starters:

  • General:
    • Wie geht es Ihnen? (How are you?)
    • Woher kommen Sie? (Where are you from?)
    • Was haben Sie vor? (What are you up to?)
    • Kennen Sie schon…? (Do you know [something interesting about the area]?)
  • Interests:
    • Was machen Sie gerne in Ihrer Freizeit? (What do you like to do in your free time?)
    • Hast du ein Hobby? (Do you have a hobby?)
    • Was begeistert dich? (What are you passionate about?)
  • Current events:
    • Haben Sie die [news topic] gehört? (Have you heard about the [news topic]?)
    • Was halten Sie von [event/topic]? (What do you think about [event/topic]?)
  • Travel:
    • Was sind Ihre Reisepläne? (What are your travel plans?)
    • Was haben Sie bisher auf Ihrer Reise gesehen? (What have you seen on your trip so far?)
    • Gefällt Ihnen [place]? (Do you like [place]?)


  • Adjust your formality based on the situation and your relationship with the person.
  • Smile and make eye contact for a positive impression.
  • Ask questions to show interest and encourage conversation.
  • Be genuine and show your personality.
  • Have fun and enjoy the conversation!

How do I ask for directions in German?

Navigating your way around a new place is always easier with friendly assistance! Here are some safe and polite ways to ask for directions in German:


  • Entschuldigung, könnten Sie mir bitte den Weg zu…, zeigen? (Excuse me, could you please show me the way to…?)
  • Könnten Sie mir bitte beschreiben, wie ich zu… komme? (Could you please describe how I get to…?)
  • Wäre es möglich, mich zum…, zu weisen? (Would it be possible to point me in the direction of…, please?)


  • Hey, weißt du, wo…, ist? (Hey, do you know where…, is?)
  • Kannst du mir sagen, wie ich am besten zu…, komme? (Can you tell me the best way to get to…,?)
  • Hast du vielleicht ‘ne Ahnung, wo die…, ist? (Do you have any idea where the…, is?)

Useful phrases:

  • Geradeaus (Straight ahead)
  • Links/rechts abbiegen (Turn left/right)
  • Die zweite/dritte Straße links/rechts (The second/third street on the left/right)
  • Nach [distance] Metern auf der [side of the street] (After [distance] meters on the [side of the street])
  • Vielen Dank! (Thank you very much!)

Bonus tips:

  • Point to your destination on a map if available.
  • Use landmarks for reference, like “gegenüber dem… (across from the…)”.
  • Don’t hesitate to repeat or rephrase your question if needed.
  • A smile and a friendly tone go a long way!

Why You Should Learn German Phrases?

Unlock a New Culture:

  • Connect with people: Phrases open doors to meaningful conversations with Germans, enriching your travel and cultural experiences. Imagine sharing a laugh over a delicious Schnitzel, all thanks to your knowledge of “Das schmeckt köstlich!” (That tastes delicious!).
  • Deeper understanding: German culture goes beyond Oktoberfest! Knowing key phrases unlocks its rich history, art, music, and traditions, giving you a deeper appreciation for its unique spirit.

Boost Your Brainpower:

  • Cognitive benefits: Studies show learning a new language enhances memory, improves multitasking skills, and even delays cognitive decline. So, while practicing “Guten Morgen” (Good morning), you’re working out your brain!
  • Career advantages: Knowing German opens doors to exciting career opportunities in various fields, from engineering and tourism to healthcare and research. Imagine impressing at an interview with “Ich spreche fließend Deutsch!” (I speak German fluently!)

Personal Growth:

  • Sense of accomplishment: Mastering even basic phrases brings a sense of accomplishment and boosts your confidence. Every “Wie geht es Ihnen?” (How are you?) is a small victory!
  • Expand your worldview: Learning a new language broadens your perspective and challenges assumptions. You’ll discover new ways of thinking and communicating, enriching your overall worldview.

Fun and Adventure:

  • Travel with ease: Navigating German streets, ordering food, and asking for directions becomes a breeze with some handy phrases. No more lost-in-translation moments!
  • Embrace new experiences: Knowing German unlocks a world of authentic experiences beyond tourist traps. Imagine singing along at a local Karneval celebration or chatting with a farmer at a charming Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market).

Remember, learning German is not just about memorizing words; it’s about opening your mind to a new world of connections, opportunities, and personal growth. So, take the plunge, grab a phrasebook, and start your German journey today! Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

How to Learn Common German Phrases?

Learning German phrases can be an exciting journey, and there are numerous safe and engaging ways to embark on this adventure! Here are some fantastic options to keep you motivated and make the process enjoyable:

Embrace Online Resources:

  • Interactive apps: Duolingo, Memrise, and Babbel offer gamified learning with bite-sized lessons and engaging activities.
  • Language learning YouTube channels: Easy German, Learn German with Anja, and Learn German with Jennifer offer fun and informative video lessons.
  • Online dictionaries and phrasebooks: Glosbe, Linguee, and Pons offer translations, pronunciations, and example sentences for everyday phrases.

Immerse Yourself in the Language:

  • Listen to German music: Spotify and YouTube playlists dedicated to German pop, rock, or classical music can enhance your vocabulary and familiarize you with pronunciation.
  • Watch German movies and TV shows: Start with dubbed options or English subtitles, then gradually transition to full German audio for an immersive experience.
  • Read German books and articles: Begin with children’s books or simplified news articles, and as your confidence grows, explore more complex texts.

Connect with the Language:

  • Find a language exchange partner: Online platforms like HelloTalk and Tandem connect you with native German speakers for conversations and cultural exchange.
  • Enroll in a language course: Local language schools or online platforms offer structured learning programs, allowing you to interact with other learners and instructors.
  • Join a German language meetup: Many cities have German clubs or language exchange groups where you can practice your skills in a relaxed and supportive environment.

Make it Fun and Effective:

  • Turn everyday activities into learning opportunities: Label objects around your house in German, listen to German radio while commuting, or write short notes to yourself in German.
  • Focus on learning phrases relevant to your interests: If you love sports, learn words related to your favorite sport; if you enjoy cooking, pick up culinary terms.
  • Use flashcards and spaced repetition apps: Anki and Quizlet offer effective tools for memorizing and reviewing vocabulary, keeping your learning consistent.


I have shared the most common phrases to learn German. There are many ways to learn German. Start with basic phrases and expand your vocabulary by learning new phrases daily. Preply provides customized lessons based on the learner’s level and provided via video chat. As a leading educational platform, it strives to make language learning fast and cost-effective. Find a preferred tutor and start achieving your language goals today.

Usama is originally from Pakistan, now living in Dubai. I’m a web developer and SEO expert with over 5 years of experience. I have learned my additional skills through online learning platforms like Skillshare and Coursera. Now i am working as a blooger and start this new project related to Online Learning apps.

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